M&S Professional courses - February 27- March 2, 2012


The Modeling & Simulation Professional Courses are organized with scientific sponsorization of MITIM-DIPTEM University of Genoa, Simulation Team, MSC-LES and Liophant.


The M&S Professional Courses listed below will be held on February 27- March 2, 2012.


Attendees have the opportunity to select among different M&S courses levels (i.e. Fundamentals, Regular, Advanced  Educational Package) and categories (i.e. M&S, VV&A, PM and Interoperability).

Each M&S course includes lecturing and exercises provided by world-wide experts, with several years of experience, from major center of excellence, i.e. MITIM-DIPTEM University of Genoa, Virginian Modeling & Simulation Center (VMASC), GrVa Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, LSIS Marseille, MAST, MSC-LES, National Center for Simulation (NSC), NASA, Riga TU, UAB,  University of Arizona, etc.


At the end of each M&S course, participants have the possibility to obtain the Professional Certificate from the McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation based on a foreground assessment.


Attendance to the M&S Professional Courses will be recognized in terms of McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation Credits to attend successive M&S courses.


The M&S Professional Courses will be soon added to the NATO M&S Course Catalog.

The minimum number of attendees to activate each course  is 5 people.

Modeling & Simulation Professional Courses

For further information please contact Info@mastsrl.eu

Upcoming M&S Courses Schedule

Course Title

Scheduled on

Registration Deadline

Fee (General Attendees)


Project Management for Modeling & Simulation Fundamentals

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Modeling & Simulation Fundamentals

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Special Topics in Modeling & Simulation

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) Fundamentals

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Distributed, Parallel & Interoperability

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

High Level Architecture (HLA) Overview

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Simulation in Healthcare

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Virtual Simulation and Augmented Reality

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,000.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Computer Assisted Exercises and Training module

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,200.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Test & Training Enabling Architecture (TENA), Common Training Instrumentation Architecture (CTIA) & Interoperability Comparison

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,200.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Upcoming M&S Courses Schedule

Course Title

Scheduled on

Registration Deadline

Fee (General Attendees)


Project Management for Modeling & Simulation Regular

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,800.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Modeling & Simulation Regular

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,800.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) Regular

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,800.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

High Level Architecture (HLA) Regular

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,800.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available

Interoperability Regular

February 27 - March 2,  2012

February 10, 2012

€ 1,800.00

(VAT Excluded)

Soon Available