Modeling & Simulation Professional Courses

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Interoperability Regular Course

Program Overview


The Interoperability regular course includes:


· Parallel, Distributed and Interoperable Simulation

· Reasons to Use Parallel / Distributed / Interoperable Simulation

· Geographically Distributed Users/Resources

· Standalone vs. Federated Simulation Systems

· Principal Application Domains

· Different Time Concepts

· Simulation Time Concept

· Simulation Taxonomy

· Continuous Time Simulation

· Time Stepped, Event Stepped

· Historical Perspective

· Basics Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), DIS Example

· High Level Architecture and Examples

· Test and Training Enabling Architecture

· Common Training Instrumentation Architecture

· DIS/HLA Comparison on an Example

· CTIA/TENA/HLA Comparison

· Interoperability Case Studies

· IA-CGF Intelligent Agent Computer Generated Forces

· Challenges in multi resolution and LVC federations


Attendees Profile

Management & Technical Profiles Expected Background: Basics in Computer Use, Basics in Statistics


Maximum Attendance

15 People


Duration: 3 days


At the end of the course, material and exercises (CD, file html, etc.) will be delivered.


Participants receive a Professional Certificate from the McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation based on foreground assessment.