Modeling & Simulation Professional Courses

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High Level Architecture Overview Course

Program Overview


The High Level Architecture Overview Course includes:


· Welcome, Background & Knowledge Assessment

· HLA I - HLA Components, Rules, Interface, RTI, OMT, Fedep

· HLA II - Federation Components, Federate Components, Federation Execution Analysis

· HLA III - HLA Message, Publication/Subscription, TSO/RO, Time Concepts, Logical Time, Time Advance

· HLA IV - Declaration Management, Object Publication/Subscription, Value Update

· HLA V - Time Management, Federation Management

· Case Studies

· WILD Federation

· Exercises

· TestFed Exercise

· Technical and Scientific References

· Networking & References

· Foreground and Knowledge Assessment

· Quality Assurance


Attendees Profile

Attendees Profile: Management & Technical Profiles Expected Background: Basics in Computer Science


Maximum Attendance

15 People


Duration: 1 day


At the end of the course, material and exercises (CD, file html, etc.) will be delivered.


Participants receive a Professional Certificate from the McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation based on foreground assessment.