Well-ordered States and Wise Princes have taken every care not to drive the Nobles to desperation, and to keep the People satisfied and contented, for this is one of the most important objects a Prince can have
Macchiavelli, Principe XIX
IA-CGF Family
    Simulation Team has developed of packages and solutions and presented the innovative family of Intelligent Agents Computer Generated Forces (IA-CGF). IA-CGFs are divided in three different elements:
    • IA-CGF Human Behavioural Libraries: human characteristics such as fear, stress, fatigue, field, aggressiveness, experience, training level operate as a set of further characteristics to be added to each unit in constructive simulation (i.e. now in constructive simulation every unit in the scenario have infos about status and type of ammo, by IA-CGF it will be added dynamic information about level of fear and stress)
    • IA-CGF Units: are a set of interoperable units with capability to be integrated in constructive simulation. These units are intended to represent “special” or “non conventional” units: from local population to NGOs and Red Cross, insurgents and rioters etc.
    • IA-CGF Non Conventional Frameworks: a IA-CGF-NCF is a complete model simulating a particular scenario where, are considered Political, Military, Economic, Social and Infrastructural Information factors. These frameworks are intended usually to reproduce specific non conventional asymmetric mission environments and include:
    All the IA-CGF modules are interoperating through HLA in order to be ready for quickly becoming a federate in a large architecture.
IA-CGF Earthquake and Riot Simulating Haiti Crisis, Food Distribution Planning and Population Reaction and Demonstrations within HLA JMRM Federation
For further information please contact ia_cgf@simulationteam.com